Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Boost Fertility 

You may have heard us say it before, but we’ll say it again even louder this time for the ladies in the back! Your eggs take 90 days to mature before they are released during ovulation, which means you’ve got a 90-day golden window of opportunity to boost your egg health. 


To increase the probability of healthier eggs, it’s all about living a healthy lifestyle—from sleep to taking a prenatal before trying to conceive. And exercise and maintaining a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) is also a great part of it. Here’s everything you need to know about the connection between exercise and fertility, including what workouts to choose, how often and how long to exercise before and while you’re trying to conceive, and why BMI matters. 


Table of Contents

  • BMI and Fertility
  • Diet and Fertility
  • Exercise and Fertility
  • Next Steps


BMI and Fertility  


Does weight impact fertility? Simply put, yes! Being over or underweight can potentially negatively impact your fertility. Because BMI and fertility are connected, it’s a good idea to calculate your BMI before you begin TTC. You can use any online calculator (like this one) to get an idea.  


Here’s how to interpret your BMI results: 

  • Underweight = <18.5 
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 
  • Overweight = 25–29.9 
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater 

Being underweight is just as detrimental to your fertility (and overall health) as being overweight. If you’re underweight or overweight, don’t stress about it—stress is a factor in fertility, too, so how counterproductive would that be, right? Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle that works best for you. For any major lifestyle changes, be sure to consult your healthcare provider before taking action.  


In the meantime, here are some tips to consider. 


Diet and Fertility  


Is there a fertility diet for women 


How you eat while trying to conceive can absolutely impact your egg quality. This is because your eggs take 90 days to mature before ovulation, so during that time it’s really important to take care of your body as much as possible (getting enough sleep, exercising, taking your prenatal). 


There’s no fertility diet for women, per se, because there’s no one right diet for everyone. But, the foods we eat (and don’t eat!) can potentially boost fertility, because fertility depends your overall health as well as egg health. Think of this as your fertility diet guide to improve your egg quality! View our list of foods to  incorporate in your diet to enhance fertility and feel free to make adjustments to suit your current dietary restrictions and lifestyle. You know your body best. 


Foods Known to Help Boost Fertility 


Here’s a fertility food list you want to be sure to include in your diet before and while TTC: 


Healthy Fats: Avocados, salmon, nuts, seeds, olive oil 

Slow Carbs and Veggies: Carbs are just fine, but opt for longer-to-digest carbs like whole grain, fruits, and vegetables .ANd veggies - these nutrient-dense powerhouses require no explanation! 

Water: Okay, so you’re drinking this, not eating. Potato, potahto. Aim for 8 8-oz glasses daily. 


Fertility Foods to Avoid 


If you’re trying to conceive or thinking about TTC soon, here’s what to avoid. 

  • Processed foods 
  • Refined sugar 
  • Trans fat 
  • High mercury fish 
  • Caffeine (sorry, but here’s why) 
  • Alcohol 


You’ll notice that most aspects of a “fertility diet” are the same as an overall healthy diet. Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for your fertility, and it’s a great habit to start before becoming a mother! 


The Importance of a Prenatal Vitamin  


Taking a prenatal vitamin can also be beneficial, even before you get pregnant! While trying to conceive, it’s helpful to take a prenatal vitamin that’s packed with essential nutrients, so your body is prepared even before you get pregnant.  

Prenatal Vitamin: Our prenatal capsule has the nutrients you need for early fetal development, like folate, iron, and DHA, and taking it prior to trying to conceive can help support you and your potential baby. * 



Exercise and Fertility  


What Workouts Are Best for TTC?  


A great rule of thumb when you’re trying to conceive is to always keep your workout intensity at a moderate level. This is not a good time to push yourself beyond your limits, nor is it a good time to take up couch surfing. (Don’t you love that expression though? It totally makes binging Netflix sound like a workout!)  

Keeping intensity in mind, you can choose pretty much whatever you love to do as part of your fertility workout! Make modifications whenever you feel you need them. Listen to your body. You want to be challenged, but still able to hold a conversation. 

These are some of our favorite exercises while TTC that will keep you feeling healthy without worrying about overdoing it: 

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Jogging
  • Kickboxing
  • Swimming
  • Low-impact Cardio


How Often Should I Be Working Out? 


We recommend 4-5 days a week. It gives you 2-3 rest days during the week to recover from workouts, and it’s an attainable goal. 



How Long Should My Workouts Be? 


30-45 minutes of exercising are plenty while TTC. Even 15- or 20-minute workouts are preferable to nothing at all, so if you’re having trouble finding time or are just lacking motivation (been there!), it’s better to just do whatever you can handle. The only thing we’d recommend avoiding is going over an hour. That falls into the “intense” category, and remember, we’re going for moderation! To help get you motivated, here are a few of our favorite pregnancy yoga poses! 


What Are Your Next Steps?  


Start by asking yourself what lifestyle changes you could make, if any. Ask your doctor if you need help coming up with a TTC-safe game plan for reaching the normal BMI range. When it comes to exercise and diet, we want to avoid any extremes—no crash diets or binge eating, just healthy moderation.  


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.    

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